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green bubble matcha

10 Surprising Ways to Use Matcha Supplement Beyond Just Drinking It

When you think of matcha, your mind likely conjures up images of vibrant green lattes or traditional tea ceremonies. While matcha has gained fame as a powerhouse ingredient in beverages, this finely ground green tea powder has so much more to offer. Packed with antioxidants, chlorophyll, and amino acids, matcha is a versatile superfood that can enhance everyday life in ways you might not expect. From beauty hacks to creative DIY projects, here are 10 surprising ways to use matcha beyond just drinking it.

1. Matcha Face Masks for Glowing Skin

matcha for skin

Matcha’s antioxidant properties make it a skincare superstar. You can whip up your DIY face mask using just a few ingredients. Matcha’s anti-inflammatory and detoxifying benefits help to reduce redness, fight acne, and leave your skin glowing. Simply mix matcha powder with honey or yoghurt to create a soothing mask that hydrates and rejuvenates your complexion. Apply it once a week, and you’ll soon notice softer, clearer skin.


How to Make It:


Mix the ingredients and apply the mask to your face for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water for a natural glow.

2. Add Matcha to Your Smoothie Bowls

Matcha Smoothie


While drinking matcha tea is great, incorporating matcha into your smoothie bowl takes it to the next level. The earthy flavour of matcha adds a unique twist, while the high concentration of antioxidants and nutrients gives your breakfast a health boost. Whether it’s a green smoothie bowl with spinach and kiwi or a tropical one with mango and pineapple, matcha can be the secret ingredient that takes it from ordinary to extraordinary.


How to Use It:

Blend ½ teaspoon of matcha powder into your favourite smoothie bowl base, and top with fresh fruits, seeds, or granola.


3. Matcha Energy Bites for On-the-Go Snacks

raspberry chia pudding

If you’re looking for a quick and healthy snack, matcha energy bites are the perfect option. These no-bake bites are made from ingredients like oats, almond butter, and dates, with a dose of matcha powder for an antioxidant-rich kick. Not only do they taste great, but they’ll also keep you energised throughout the day. The natural caffeine in matcha is released slowly, giving you sustained energy without the jitters.


How to Make Them:


  • 1 cup oats
  • ¼ cup almond butter
  • ¼ cup honey or maple syrup
  • 1 tablespoon matcha powder

Mix all ingredients, roll into bite-sized balls, and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

4. Natural Dyeing with Matcha

matcha tea near me

Matcha’s vibrant green hue makes it a fantastic natural dye. If you love DIY projects, try using matcha to dye fabric, yarn, or even Easter eggs! Not only is it eco-friendly, but it also creates unique, soft green shades that give your projects an earthy, natural feel. Simply mix matcha powder with water and use it as a dye bath for your fabric or craft materials.


How to Do It:


Dissolve 2-3 teaspoons of matcha in hot water.

Submerge fabric, yarn, or paper into the dye bath for several hours, depending on how vibrant you want the colour to be.

5. Matcha Ice Cream for a Cool Treat

Matcha tea pudding

Matcha’s slightly bitter flavour contrasts beautifully with the creamy sweetness of ice cream. Making homemade matcha ice cream is easier than you think, and it’s a perfect way to cool off during summer. The addition of matcha gives the ice cream an antioxidant boost, making your dessert indulgent but guilt-free.


How to Make It:


Blend 1 teaspoon of matcha powder with your favourite ice cream base (coconut milk, heavy cream, or a dairy-free alternative).

Freeze the mixture, and enjoy a refreshing dessert with a healthy twist!


6. Matcha in Skincare: DIY Scrubs

matcha face scrub

Matcha isn’t just good for your insides—it works wonders on your skin, too. You can create a simple exfoliating scrub by combining matcha with sugar and coconut oil. This DIY scrub will leave your skin feeling smooth, refreshed, and detoxified, thanks to the green tea’s rich antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.


How to Make It:

  • 1 tablespoon matcha powder
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil

Mix the ingredients and apply the scrub in circular motions to exfoliate dead skin cells.

7. Infuse Matcha Into Your Baking

Matcha macarons

Matcha adds a vibrant colour and unique flavour to baked goods like cookies, cakes, and muffins. Plus, you get all the nutritional benefits of matcha in your sweet treats. From matcha brownies to matcha-flavoured bread, it’s an easy way to upgrade your favourite recipes while sneaking in some health benefits.


How to Use It:

Add 1-2 teaspoons of matcha powder to your batter, depending on the recipe. It works particularly well with vanilla, chocolate, and almond-based recipes.


8. Matcha Supplements for Health and Wellness

green bubble matcha

For those who are always on the go, matcha supplements offer a convenient way to get your daily dose of green tea goodness. Available in capsules or powder form, matcha tea provides all the health benefits of matcha, from boosting metabolism to enhancing mental clarity. Incorporating matcha powder into your daily routine can help support your overall wellness, especially when you don’t have time to prepare tea or smoothies.


How to Use It:

Take matcha as directed on the packaging. You can also sprinkle powdered supplements into water or smoothies for an extra boost.

9. Matcha Salt for a Flavor Boost

Matcha Salt

Ever tried matcha salt? It’s an easy way to elevate the flavour of your dishes while adding a dose of antioxidants. Simply mix matcha powder with sea salt and sprinkle it over roasted vegetables, popcorn, or even french fries. The earthy, umami flavour of matcha pairs surprisingly well with savoury dishes.


How to Make It:

Mix 1 tablespoon of matcha powder with 4 tablespoons of sea salt. Store it in an airtight container, and use it to season your favourite foods.


10. Matcha Hair Masks for Shine and Strength

Matcha Hair Masks

Matcha’s antioxidant-rich properties also benefit your hair. A matcha hair mask can help nourish and strengthen your locks, leaving them shiny and soft. The vitamins in matcha promote hair growth and scalp health, making it a perfect natural treatment for your hair care routine.


How to Make It:

  • 1 teaspoon matcha powder
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil or olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon honey

Mix the ingredients and apply the mask to your hair, focusing on the ends. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes, then rinse and shampoo.


Who knew matcha could be so versatile? From DIY skincare and hair treatments to creative recipes and natural dyeing, matcha is much more than a trendy drink. Whether you incorporate it into your beauty routine or experiment with matcha supplements in your wellness journey, this superfood has a variety of surprising uses that go far beyond just drinking it. So next time you stock up on matcha, think beyond the tea cup and explore the many ways this green powerhouse can enrich your daily life!

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